Peyronie’s disease is when the fibrous scar tissue inside the penis causes erections to be painful and curved. Penises can vary in size and shape. Having a curved erection is common and shouldn’t be of a concern. The difference with this disease is that the bend or pain is significant. This condition can prevent a man from having sex or maintaining an erection. In a small percentage of cases, the problem will resolve itself. Most of the time though, it will remain stable or even worsen.
- Scar tissue: The scar tissue that is associated with Peyronie's disease can form under the skin and may feel like flat lumps or a band of hard tissue.
- A significant bend to the penis: Your penis could be curved upward, downward, or even bent to one side. In some cases, the erect penis might have indentations or narrowing.
- Erection problems: Peyronie's disease might cause problems getting or maintaining an erection.
- Shortening of the penis: As a result of Peyronie's disease, your penis might become shorter.
- Pain: You might have pain in the penis, with or without an erection.
Peyronie’s disease is thought to be caused by repeated injury to the penis. Your penis can become damaged during a variety of things such as sex, athletic activity, or an accident. In most cases, men don’t recall any particular trauma to the penis. In some cases, this disease starts slowly and isn’t related to an injury.
Risk Factors
- Heredity: If someone in your family has Peyronie's disease, you are more likely to develop this condition.
- Connective tissue disorders: Men who have a connective tissue disorder appear to have an increased risk of developing Peyronie's disease.
- Age: The prevalence of Peyronie's disease increases with age. Age-related changes in tissues might cause them to be more easily injured and less likely to heal well.
- Other factors that might be linked to Peyronie’s disease are certain health conditions, smoking, and some types of prostate surgery.
Medication: The goal of using mediation as a method is to reduce pain, tissue formation, and the curvature of the penis. This treatment works by breaking down the buildup of collagen which causes the penis to curve.
Suturing the unaffected side: This involves suturing the longer side of the penis which is the side without scar tissue. This can straighten the penis, but it may result in penile shortening or erectile dysfunction.
Incision or excision and grafting: In more severe curvature cases, this method is used. This creates greater risks of worsening erectile function compared to suturing. The surgeon removes some of the scar tissue by making one or more cuts. This allows the penis to straighten.
Penile implants: Surgically inserted penile implants replace the spongy tissue that fills with blood during an erection. You may consider penile implants if you have both Peyronie's disease and erectile dysfunction
Before undergoing any treatment, your doctor might recommend watchful waiting if:
- The curvature of your penis isn't severe and is no longer worsening
- You can still have sex without pain
- Pain during erections is mild
- You have good erectile function